Welcome to the Gumboot Bloggeroo! You won't get many hits from the Top 40 here - more like misses from the Back 40. Proudly behind the times, I perform traditional and not-so-traditional music from the East Coast of Canada - songs and tunes, with harmonica, fiddle, guitar, piano, and whatever else is on hand. Check out the samples, the pictures, the information, the misinformation, the free advice, the second-hand opinions, and whatever else I end up dumping here ....

Contact & Booking Information

I live in Calgary, Alberta, and try to make it down to the Maritimes sometime each summer.  Also, I usually get to Windsor, Ontario, a couple of times a year.

To discuss bookings, music lessons, or the weather, e-mail me at:  thurgoodmusic@gmail.com.


  1. Just sent an email to your email you have listed above.
    Not about Bookings, or Music Lessons, I don't even think the weather is mentioned. lol, Just trying to say hi.


  2. Hey JAMES finally got around to checking this out. Looks good!
    See ya tomorrow.

    Calgary Rocker Craig,

  3. Peter McFarlane6 April 2014 at 19:29

    Hey, James,
    Peter and Karen McFarlane previously of Wabasca/Desmarais. We were just trying to overcome the all too frequent senior's moments to recall some of the folks we knew a couple of lifetimes ago and sure enough didn't your name come back along with some pleasant shared moments sharing a jar or two and some sweet music.
    Will try e-mail as we make it to Calgary and Canmore for folk festivals and visits from time to time and would enjoy a brew and blather if it can be arranged.

  4. When are you coming to NS or PEI?
    Linda Hallett Fraser (Hugh Beaton and Walkerville)

  5. Linda! What a surprise .... Well, as it happens I'm heading for PEI tomorrow - but it's going to be a quick trip. Where are you?

